Friday, December 23, 2011

Crushed German Glass

Just bragging! It seems that when I finally get to something, I have put it off for way to long, and I have a pile of it to do....know what I'm say'n. I've not posted on my blog in a while, so this week I will be in over kill mode! I just wanted to share a few of my paintings that I have done. Most of them are downtown at a showing until feb. Rite now, I'm working on my good friend Aileen's portrait. For her Christmas present. Here are a few that I'm proud of!
(Donated for the Mayors Ball)




Baby Stuff

i got to thinking that i needed to share a few of my binky's that i have for sale on my site. They are so cute. My 2yr old loves them! so here's a little eye candy for you tonight..:)

Soooo, let me know what you think  :)